पदाचे नाव :- Auditor – 6409 posts/Accountants – 4402 posts (Total 10811 posts)
पात्रता :- Any Graduate (Language of Proficiency for the Language Specified)
वयोमर्यादा :- 18 – 27 Years age as on 19/2/2021
वेतन श्रेणी :- Rs. 29,200 – 92,300/- per month
अंतिम दिनांक :- 19/2/2021
पत्ता :- To, Shri. V.S. Venkatanathan, Asst. C & AG O/o the C & AG of India, 9, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg , New
Delhi – 110124
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